BhG 1.colophon

iti śrī-mahābhārate bhiṣma-parvaṇi trayoviṃśo ‘dhyāyaḥ

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Thus [ends] the twenty-third chapter in Bhīṣma-parvan in the venerable Mahābhārata.


textual variants

iti śrī-mahābhārate śata-sāhasryāṃ sahitāyāṃ vaiyāsakyāṃ bhīṣma-parvai*

In the venerable Mahābhārata, [which is] Vyāsa’s saṁhitā [composed] of one hundred thousand [verses], in Bhīṣma-parvan

śrīmad-bhagavad-gītāsu upaniṣatsu brahma-vidyāyāṃ yoga-śāstre śrī-kṛṣṇārjuna-saṃvāde ‘rjuna-viṣādo / ‘rjuna-viṣāda-yogo / sainya-darśano / sainyopa-darśano / ‘rjuna-parikhedo nāma prathamo ‘dhyāyaḥ.

in glorious songs of the Lord, in the upaniṣads, in the knowledge of brahman, in the science of yoga, in the dialogue of Śrī Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna thus [ends] the first chapter entitled: Arjuna’s sorrow /  Yoga of Arjuna’s sorrow / Observance of the army / Presentation of the army / Arjuna’s despondency.

* This part of a colophon comes from: Śrīmad-Bhagavad-gītā (Bengali script), commentary of: Śrīdhara Svāmipāda “Subodhinī”, Bengali translation: Nārāyaṇa-dāsa Bhakti-sudhā-kara, Gaudīya mission Kalkuta 1996r.



māṇān bhavadīyān vilokya bandhusnehena parayā kṛpayā dharmabhayena cātimātrasannasarvagātraḥ sarvathāhaṃ na yotsyāmīty uktvā bandhuviśleṣajanitaśokasaṃvignamānasaḥ saśaraṃ cāpaṃ visṛjya rathopastha upāviśa



iti śrī-śrīdhara-svāmi-kṛtāyāṃ bhagavad-gītā-ṭīkāyāṃ subodhinyām
arjuna-viṣādo nāma prathamo ‚dhyāyaḥ


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